Secret of Mana Redux

A Curious Happening


A Curious Happening

February 28, 2021

It’s the organic feel and earthiness of [A Curious Happening]’s odd-ball whimsy that grounds the soundtrack’s flightier, drifting moods – and is just another way to articulate the music’s embrace of nature.

The Greatest Game Music

This is the theme for the Scorpion Army, whose appearance is always a curious happening.  The track’s catchy, driving pulse—a half time shuffle with a reggae feel, is topped with some snazzy half diminished slash chords.  It’s right at home with the cues of the time.  Towards the end, an icy piano solo rounds out the vibe.  In a game where many tracks have similar timbre, or are dominated by a discernible top line, this one stands on its own.

I’m happy to say that the remake was all over this one.  The jazz organ and percussion are far more effective than those on the Super Nintendo’s hardware.  An appropriately nonchalant whistle and horn are added to the top as part of a more complex execution, with all kinds of additions that would not have been possible originally, not the least of which is its added length.  With a slight bit of work at the mixing console, this could become one of the better tracks on the remaster. 

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