Secret of Mana Redux

Secret of Mana’s Plant Monsters


Secret of Mana’s Plant Monsters

February 20, 2022

Let’s all welcome Secret of Mana’s plants. Though I have a Weepy Eye when I see monsters like the Polter Chair and Mystic Book on this list.

Lullabud Lullabud LV HP MP EXP GP
2 36 10 3 8
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
バドフラワー 5 3 4 4 0 0 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree Poison (melee)
Sleep Flower Lv.0
None Medical Herb 16GP
Square’s Description Giant, rose-like cannibal flowers. They approach their enemy and feed by opening and closing their blood-red petals. It can be hard to tell if they’re monsters, as they look like normal flowers.
ManaRedux says… It’s not a joke that you can mistake them for a flower. You won’t mistake their Sleep Flower though…it could be your end with a low level solo Randi. Watch out for poison as well. Otherwise, they’re quite easy.
Mushboom Mushboom LV HP MP EXP GP
3 60 0 3 7
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
マイコニド 99 60 5 5 0 0 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree Sleep (melee) None 14GP Candy
Square’s Description Mushroom people that mutated from Mandrakes. They will attack you with poisonous spores that cover the underside of their caps, or by bodychecking you like a spinning top. Their skin has medicinal properties but is very expensive, since collectors risk life and limb.
ManaRedux says… They’re a nuisance early with their high HP. They can also make quick work of your low level solo Randi, especially in groups. Whack them and run away to avoid their sleep trap.

The Mandrake in the official description is a monster from Final Fantasy Adventure.
Polter Chair Polter Chair LV HP MP EXP GP
8 128 0 21 22
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
マジカルチェア 12 10 21 21 0 0 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree None None 44GP Barrel
Square’s Description Chairs imbued with an evil life force by a demon-worshiping sorcerer. From the outside, they can’t be told apart form a normal chair, but if one sits or gets close, they suddenly enrage and prevent one from putting their hands on them. Also, they often attack in groups.
ManaRedux says… They appear in groups, so try to activate one at a time. If all three players attack continuously, they won’t get a hit in.
Pumpkin Bomb Pumpkin Bomb LV HP MP EXP GP
21 160 4 1 12
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
バンプキンボム 22 5 39 39 0 0 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree Burst Lv.3 None 24GP Medical Herb
Square’s Description The embodiment of the grudges of pumpkins who have their insides gouged out so they can be used as masks—without even being eaten—in festivals in foreign countries. Holding a dark grudge towards humans, if they get close to one, they detonate their own body in order to cause major damage.
ManaRedux says… They have very low defense and are easily dispatched, but watch out for the explosion.
Weepy Eye Weepy Eye LV HP MP EXP GP
28 165 80 370 264
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
バイルダー 30 15 38 38 15 99 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Light Lucent Beam Lv.3
Moogle (projectile)
Shade Medical Herb Chest Guard
Square’s Description Despite their mechanical appearance, they still belong to the plant family. Originally a metal flower seed with metal leaves, a mad scientist converted them into a murder machine. They have various built-in laser emitting devices.
ManaRedux says… You actually might consider avoiding the Weepy Eye. Their Lucent Beam isn’t much to worry about, and they’re difficult to hit.
Mystic Book Mystic Book LV HP MP EXP GP
28 190 99 370 264
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
マジックブック 24 23 40 40 0 99 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
None Energy Absorb Lv.4
Lucid Barrier Lv.4
Thunderbolt Lv.4
None Chocolate Faerie Walnut
Square’s Description Grimoires that were assiduously read by a studious sorcerer. The sorcerer’s intense concentration imprinted his will in them, giving them a life without their own volition. They randomly open their pages and recite the incantations therein.
ManaRedux says… The Mystic Book has no magic weakness and their Lucid Barrier can keep them alive for a bit. On the offensive end, they’re a passive monster and ultimately not difficult to take out.

This is one of the infamous books that open to a nude photo—a possible reference to Devilman by Go Nagai.
Mimic Box Mimic Box LV HP MP EXP GP
36 290 30 740 399
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
ミミックン 34 33 45 45 21 99 250 99
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Moon Lunar Magic Lv.8 None Faerie Walnut Royal Jam
Square’s Description Treasure chests brought to life by a wizard who reports directly to Thanatos. As the victim approaches with confidence and joy, the Mimic Boxes expose their fangs and attack. They can also transform into another monster.
ManaRedux says… The Mimic Box is a genuinely dangerous trap. Their exorbitant attack power is shockingly high should you catch them early in the game. Try to stay at a distance and kill ’em quick, though you’ll have to fight through their high defense too.
Trap Flower Trap Flower LV HP MP EXP GP
37 144 50 800 532
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
ブラッドパンジー 40 20 50 50 33 99 0 99
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree Energy Absorb Lv.5
Sleep Flower Lv.5
None Medical Herb Candy
Square’s Description Cannibal flowers raised by a blue blooded demon. Although they’re a flower, they have a more violent temperament than others. Their petals can put you to sleep as they have a large number of substances with a hypnotic effect.
ManaRedux says… The most annoying thing about the Trap Flower is their propensity to Sleep Flower your leading party member immediately. Their damage can be intimidating but only if you don’t have the latest armor.
Nitro Pumpkin Nitro Pumpkin LV HP MP EXP GP
44 420 20 1300 468
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
グレネードボム 40 52 59 59 162 99 0 0
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree Burst Lv.7
Sleep Flower Lv.7
Wall Lv.7
None Cup of Wishes Chocolate
Square’s Description Ghost pumpkins that were so enraged at their treatment in foreign festivals that even the color of their body changed. The power of that anger surpasses that of the Pumpkin Bombs, making them very powerful.
ManaRedux says… Hopefully you’ll have Shade levelled up high enough so you can disable the Nitro Pumpkin’s Wall. Either way, they’re not too tough to take out with weapons.
National Scar National Scar LV HP MP EXP GP
55 630 58 2425 2600
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
デビルマガジン 98 46 56 56 100 99 282 99
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Dark Dispel Magic Lv.5
Evil Gate Lv. 5
Wall Lv. 5
Lumina Faerie Walnut Amulet Helm
Square’s Description Magician’s tomes read by a devil during its pursuit of knowledge. Although they’re the same kind of lifeform as the Mystic Book, being that they were part of that pursuit of knowledge, the imprinted thoughts of a genuine devil reside within them, so they are more powerful. They can even summon monsters.
ManaRedux says… They’re weak against Lumina, but they cast Wall and magic is rarely needed. Just hack away.
Mushgloom Mushgloom LV HP MP EXP GP
56 628 38 2550 3200
Japanese Str Agi Int Wis PDef PEv MDef MEv
ダースマタンゴ 99 60 53 53 20 99 90 99
Element Special Abilities Weakness Drop(C) Drop(R)
Tree Wall Lv.5 None Chocolate Barrel
Square’s Description A Mushboom variant. According to one theory, a group of Mushbooms fell into a poisonous swamp, and a new race came forth from a pair that was saved. As a result, they’re stronger than the original species and their spores can cause very high damage.
ManaRedux says… There’s three monsters that are everywhere in the Pure Lands—the Griffin Hand, the Needlion, and then the Mushgloom. Even with Wall, the Mushgloom is about the same difficulty as the other two. Their low physical defense removes the need to use magic, unless you’re in a hurry.

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