Secret of Mana’s Boss Monsters

Secret of Mana’s Boss Monsters
March 19, 2022

Secret of Mana’s boss monsters were a marvel for their time—big, colorful avatars with heaps of animation frames. Their lofty presence on the screen contributed to the expressive portrayal of battles for the action RPG.
For the first time, Square’s descriptions from the Fundamental Knowledge Compilation have been translated, and Sevon was kind enough to scanlate cartoons that appeared in the Japan-only Adventure Guide.
Additional Credits go to regrs, JD Cyr, Josher_1212, and other folks mentioned on the Monsters page.
Legend of Abbreviations
Lv – Level (the most important stat for any monster’s prowess)
HP – Hit Points
MP – Magic Power
EXP – Experience
GP – Gold (or Luc if you’re a purist)
Japanese – The original spelling of the monster’s name.
Str – Strength
Agi – Agility
Int – Intelligence
Wis – Wisdom
PDef – Physical Defense
PEv – Physical Evade
MDef – Magic Defense
MEv – Magic Evade
Element – If the monster belongs to an element class in addition to type
Special Abilities – Magic spells and what not
Weakness – What really hurts the most…
Drop(C) – Common Drop
Drop(R) – Rare Drop
Square’s Official Description – See above
ManaRedux says… – See above
This is only a partial list of stats. Detailed explanations of some things can be found at the bottom of kWhazit’s page. kWhazit also made a simulation calculator if you want to play around with some values and see what the game’s engine does with them. I also got info on evasion stats from StingerPA of the SoM: Randomizer Discord server:
The evasion formula is pretty complicated. Generally speaking, enemies and bosses have an evasion stat of 0 or 99. If it's 0, your attacks will always hit as long as your weapon makes contact. If it's 99, well, that's where the fun starts. The formula for determining if the attack succeeds is as follows: An attack is successful if Hit Rate > (1+Random)*Evade/2, where Hit Rate = Agility/4 + weapon's hit rate Due to agility being included in the formula, each character will have a different hit rate stat (viewable in the stats screen at each level). And then a couple weapons increase agility as well.
The Japanese kana was left as is. Sevon explains the rationale better than I can:
1. Not all katakana words can be directly translated into English. The language itself is phonetic, so kana only tells how things are to be pronounced, not translated. In most cases, we also don't know what the original intention for some of the words might be in the case of homophones. 2. There are three different spelling systems for romaji, all of which would upset someone or other since all are accepted as correct. 3. It's seriously not that hard to put things into Google or something nowadays to get the pronunciation.