I Broke Visions of Mana Day 1, And Now You Can Too!
ManaRedux’s note: The site is being updated soon, but expect more Visions fun in the meantime. We have another guest post from Granivolus today! I just might get the game myself. See the first post here.
Visions of Mana is finally out as of today, and I already broke the game! I’m going to keep this short, but I would love to document this bug.
One thing you discover quickly is that there are Ruins areas on various maps, containing extremely high-leveled enemies. There’s one in the southern end of Aery Passage, which contains level 50 enemies.

You might get drawn there with the presence of a treasure chest, but there seems no way to reach it…unless you fight those enemies, which you probably won’t be geared for at the start of the game.
However, you can get that chest! Exploring, you’ll find a group of enemies right by a stone barrier, the first restriction to your desired reward.

From here, just go to the right side of the door, as so:

You’re going to want to jump and dash into the corner between the round pillar and the rectangle on the wall. If you do it right, Val will temporarily become grounded, allowing you to jump again!

See that little circle? That means Val was grounded, and now you can do another double jump!

From here, you just naturally progress along and soon you’ll hit another barrier, this time blocked by a Nemesis. But once again, we can skip this!

This one is a lot trickier, and I haven’t really got it consistent enough to capture it reliably. MS Gamebar refuses to work so I can’t record this (I’m playing on Steam, contrary to my demo being on the Xbox). But if you can finagle your way around it, you can end up on top of the barrier!

From here, you can just jump down to the other side and get that sweet treasure chest!

The item here is the Mystic Revelunge, a very late game item for Careena that boosts her attack by a whopping 51 points, and her magic attack by a further 46!

I can see this being a powerful strategy for speedrunning, or for people who want to get the most powerful gear they can as early as possible. There’s very little risk involved, and it’s an easy enough glitch that anyone can pull it off in a relatively short amount of time. With that said, I’m loving this game so far, and I’m proud of the mana developers for finally getting the experience and confidence to make their own, new mainline game!
Very nice, Worked for me after a few tries.
Great Stuff man!
what was the trick to the second jump spot?
Newhouse’s video is now posted at the top. It shows the glitch in action.
I have been sitting here for over an hour and I can’t do it 🙁
Found that on the tricky part, you’ll know when you’ve found the spot because you’ll have infinite air dash, you’ll also need to find that point up top and do your jumps again. Thanks for sharing